Selected photos available as prints HERE.
Kennywood -
Times Square -
Banana tree -
South Hills Village Mall -
Kennywood -
Kennywood -
Kennywood -
Kennywood -
Kennywood -
Kennywood -
Niagara Falls -
Phipps Conservatory -
Kennywood -
Bridge to Nowhere -
Downtown Pgh -
Grant Street -
Homestead -
Downtown Pgh -
Downtown -
Ross St -
Carnegie Museum of Art -
Downtown Pgh -
Century III Mall -
PNC Two -
Athletic Association -
Blvd of the Allies -
Wood Street -
Phipps Conservatory -
Homestead -
6th Street -
Wood Street -
Grant St -
T Station -
Wood Street -
PNC Tower -
Downtown Pgh -
T Station -
Smithfield and 6th -
Gingko leaves -
Isle of Man -
First egg of the season -
Skittle -
Homestead -
Homestead -
Homestead -
Homestead -
Homestead -
Homestead -
Munhall -
Washington, DC -
Washington, DC -
Washington, DC -
Washington, DC -
Washington, DC -
Amtrak station -
New Orleans -
New Orleans -
New Orleans -
Birmingham, AL -
Maryland -
Washington, DC -
Downtown -
Downtown, Wood St -
Munhall -
Nasturtiums -
Kennywood -
Kennywood -
Kennywood -
Carnegie Museum of Natural History -
Carnegie Museum of Natural History -
Downtown -
Downtown -
Munhall -
Orry -
Grant St -
Munhall -
Downtown Pgh -
Route 51 -
Rose -
Cherry Way -
Munhall -
Grant St -
Downtown Pgh -
Downtown Pgh -
Homestead Waterfront -
Duquesne Club -
Munhall -
Downtown Pgh -
CLP Main Library -
Munhall -
CLP Sq. Hill Branch -
1st Ave parking garage -
CLP Main Library -
Univ. of Pgh -
Blvd of the Allies -
CLP Sq. Hill branch -
from UPMC Montefiore -
Banana leaf -
Munhall -
Grant St -
Liberty Ave -
Smithfield St. -
Munhall -
Munhall -
1st AVe -
Carnegie Library of Pgh -
Valentine’s -
Mr. Rogers Neighbourhood set -
Allegheny Co. Courthouse -
Homestead -
Homestead -
Homestead -
Homestead -
Bike trail behind PNC Firstside -
Homestead -
Homestead -
Homestead -
Cherry Way -
PNC Firstside -
St. Mary’s -
First Ave. -
SIxth Ave. -
Brookville Courthouse -
Harris Theatre -
Wood St. -
City-County Bldg. -
Sree’s -
Pittsburgh -
Buhl Bldg -
Froggy’s, Market Square -
Allegheny Co. Airport -
Allegheny Co. Airport -
Downtown Pgh -
Downtown Pgh -
Downtown Pgh -
St. Paul Cathedral -
Grant St. -
US Steel Bldg -
Univ. of Pittsburgh -
Station Square -
City-County Bldg. -
1st Ave Garage -
North Shore, PNC Park -
St. Paul Cathedral -
Kaufman’s Clock -
PPG Place -
North Shore -
Alcoa Bldg. -
Downtown Pgh, 9th St Bridge -
Blvd. of the Allies -
Cultural District -
Empire State Building -
9/11 Memorial -
9/11 Memorial -
Macy’s NY -
NY dry goods store -
Niagara Falls -
Central Park -
Munhall -
Isle of Man -
Camp Ladore -
Cook Forest -
Mckeesport -
Homestead -
Camp Ladore -
Candles -